Monday, May 16, 2016

Food Allergy Awareness Is Important Every Day!

This month is Food Allergy Action / Awareness Month - a time to draw attention to the important subject of food allergies which affect approximately 1 in 13 children.

Image credit: FARE /

Most of us know at least one person with a life-threatening food allergy, so it's critical to know what to do in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.

We've compiled some resources to help get you started... resources that could save a life!

It is important to arm yourself with information about food allergies and how to help someone who is having an allergic reaction. Half the battle is knowing about a person's allergy and how you can help them - i.e. where their EpiPen is stored, etc. That's why we offer Allergy Alert labels and tags which inform teachers and caregivers of a child's allergy. They are fully customizable to include whatever information you deem important to share and can provide additional peace of mind when your child is away from home.

In honor of Allergy Awareness / Action Month, we are offering 20% off all our Allergy Alert and Safety designs until May 24th, 2016.

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